Monday, November 30, 2009

The weekend is gone, and Thanksgiving is officially over.

We are heading into our busiest time of the year at work with all the Christmas parties and extra celebrating. In a seemingly blink of the eye, though, this will all be behind us. Time is racing by with such unprecedented speed that months seem to be weeks. I'm trying to hang on but feel my grip loosening, and I'm beginning to feel its affect.

I know the areas I've neglected and am under great conviction to do what I know is right. I praise God for His continuing work in my life.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I've been in kind of a blue mood. It takes effort to post at those times.

I am battling such fatigue and have to keep pushing myself through each day. I know much of it is my diet. That too takes effort. It's so easy to dabble in the sugar when in a funk.

Monday always seems like a new beginning though, so it is with an optimistic spirit that I continue on.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's "hump day" for the working class--woohoo!

State arrived on the scene yesterday. They will be inspecting us the rest of the week. Today the cooks get observed--I will be glad to get this over with! It's always stressful to have someone watching every move you make, making sure there is no cross contamination with dirty gloves. Whenever a new thing is started, the old gloves must come off and new ones put on. It sounds easy--but it's not. The slightest change needs new gloves, and it's easy to rotely move from a cake pan back to the cake in the mixer bowl forgetting to put on new gloves. Very stressful!

It will be a happy day when this is forever behind me!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I woke up with such thankfulness this morning. God's blessings are overwhelming.

There are many today who woke up with a heart longing things could be different. I am in constant prayer for those families today, four in particular. Though they love the Lord with all their heart, they are facing many giants this week. God is their sustainer, their enabler. They are resting in His loving presence finding a peace that passes all understanding.

Our hope is in only one--Christ Jesus.

Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Monday already--I sure hope State isn't inspecting us today!

I've been on the hunt for new Thanksgiving ideas. I won't discard the traditional ones, just add to them.
I will be working Thanksgiving, so my dear husband will once again have to take care of the turkey. (We will eat our meal in the evening.) He has really been stretched these past two years! He went from not knowing anything about the kitchen to learning to navigate quite proficiently.

My heart is thankful. We lack for nothing. We are in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's been another busy week--just two days before the weekend!

I am going to have to do something about these extra pounds. My clothes are fitting tight, and I'm not going to a bigger size. I know what to do; and since I'm not doing it, I am in a state of rebellion. That is sin, and I am confessing it right now before God and man. There will be no blessing on this road; and with God's help, I am going to change direction.

The enemy wants to keep me where I am, and God wants to launch me forward to experience Him in new and mighty ways that I may live my life in complete obedience bringing honor and glory to His almighty name.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For some reason I did not sleep well last night--too much on my mind I think.

I worked on my resume last night and then some this morning. I think I need to develop it a little more before sending it out. I know it is important; that is what will be representing me. The process of anything takes time--and I know I get impatient. The reward will be when I look back and see how all the pieces of this job venture really did fit together--even the ones that "didn't" fit!

I will continue to move forward and wait.