Monday, November 30, 2009

The weekend is gone, and Thanksgiving is officially over.

We are heading into our busiest time of the year at work with all the Christmas parties and extra celebrating. In a seemingly blink of the eye, though, this will all be behind us. Time is racing by with such unprecedented speed that months seem to be weeks. I'm trying to hang on but feel my grip loosening, and I'm beginning to feel its affect.

I know the areas I've neglected and am under great conviction to do what I know is right. I praise God for His continuing work in my life.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I've been in kind of a blue mood. It takes effort to post at those times.

I am battling such fatigue and have to keep pushing myself through each day. I know much of it is my diet. That too takes effort. It's so easy to dabble in the sugar when in a funk.

Monday always seems like a new beginning though, so it is with an optimistic spirit that I continue on.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's "hump day" for the working class--woohoo!

State arrived on the scene yesterday. They will be inspecting us the rest of the week. Today the cooks get observed--I will be glad to get this over with! It's always stressful to have someone watching every move you make, making sure there is no cross contamination with dirty gloves. Whenever a new thing is started, the old gloves must come off and new ones put on. It sounds easy--but it's not. The slightest change needs new gloves, and it's easy to rotely move from a cake pan back to the cake in the mixer bowl forgetting to put on new gloves. Very stressful!

It will be a happy day when this is forever behind me!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I woke up with such thankfulness this morning. God's blessings are overwhelming.

There are many today who woke up with a heart longing things could be different. I am in constant prayer for those families today, four in particular. Though they love the Lord with all their heart, they are facing many giants this week. God is their sustainer, their enabler. They are resting in His loving presence finding a peace that passes all understanding.

Our hope is in only one--Christ Jesus.

Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Monday already--I sure hope State isn't inspecting us today!

I've been on the hunt for new Thanksgiving ideas. I won't discard the traditional ones, just add to them.
I will be working Thanksgiving, so my dear husband will once again have to take care of the turkey. (We will eat our meal in the evening.) He has really been stretched these past two years! He went from not knowing anything about the kitchen to learning to navigate quite proficiently.

My heart is thankful. We lack for nothing. We are in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's been another busy week--just two days before the weekend!

I am going to have to do something about these extra pounds. My clothes are fitting tight, and I'm not going to a bigger size. I know what to do; and since I'm not doing it, I am in a state of rebellion. That is sin, and I am confessing it right now before God and man. There will be no blessing on this road; and with God's help, I am going to change direction.

The enemy wants to keep me where I am, and God wants to launch me forward to experience Him in new and mighty ways that I may live my life in complete obedience bringing honor and glory to His almighty name.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For some reason I did not sleep well last night--too much on my mind I think.

I worked on my resume last night and then some this morning. I think I need to develop it a little more before sending it out. I know it is important; that is what will be representing me. The process of anything takes time--and I know I get impatient. The reward will be when I look back and see how all the pieces of this job venture really did fit together--even the ones that "didn't" fit!

I will continue to move forward and wait.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm having trouble keeping up with life--and staying current with my blog!

It's amazing how fast this year is moving toward its end. My mind is full of "new ideas" for the upcoming year. I don't know what God's plans are yet, but I will keep preparing and waiting. When God says "Now!" I will be ready. The course I took this past year is now officially completed--I got my final grade and certificate in the mail Saturday. I got a 95 percent on my final test--woohoo!--and a 92 percent on the overall average of the 38 tests. That was quite a year--working full time, being on the School Board and taking a VERY hard course.

Now that "all" I'm doing is working full time, one would think my life would be full of free time--why isn't it?!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What an interesting two (vacation) weeks!

God can really get your attention while on your sick-bed. I had things planned--having no idea I would be out of commission the entire time. It reminded me of Who is in control, though I have always professed to live by "God willing." It was good for me to learn a lesson on "God willing" and not just glibly talk the talk.

It's a wonderful feeling to know God cares so much.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This has been a crazy day. I so wish I were retired.

There is so much to do, especially in the area of helping my mother. She is needing more and more care, and I want to be there for her. It has been so nice to have this time off and be available when she calls. We made her bed together today and put warm, flannel sheets on her bed. It's a good feeling to know she will be nice a warm tonight when she goes to bed.

What a blessing to be able to give back in these little ways.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's been a long time!

I am in the midst of my vacation and getting over the flu. Not how I planned my two-week vacation, but I'm thankful I have the time off to recover. It's wonderful being home, and I'm looking forward to the day when I will be a full-time homemaker again. Things are in order for it; I'm waiting on God to say, "Now."

God wants us always ready, and always waiting.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Work has been such a grind; I'm so thankful it is Friday.

With the kind of authority figures God has put into my life, my whole life, I must have quite a strong will that needs to be worked on. I get frustrated with it at times, thinking my will is so small now why does it still need squelching? So, probably by me being upset about this, my will isn't as small as I think.

God has a purpose in all that He does, and I'm thankful He is in charge.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I got up before 5:00 this morning to get a few extra things done. I don't get much done after work, and I like going to bed at 9:30.

This week at work has been so nice having that extra person (I'm training). Today and tomorrow she is to do it all herself with me only as back-up. I will do the dishes for her, so that will give her more time to prepare the salads and desserts. (Each person washes his/hers food-preparation dishes.) It's been a wonderful prelude to a two-week vacation! I'm looking forward to the time off.

I will enjoy the extra time I have to read. That's what I miss the most--extra time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's another good day.

I am staying clear of giving into the "munchies" which starts a never-ending cycle of more. Going to bed early really helps, plus it is so much easier to get up the next day. I feel rested and have no carry-over indigestion. I'm sure my system rejoices when there is little work to do during the night--and so does my inner soul.

I savor the fruit of obedience--peace.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's nice to wake up without the feeling of indigestion. That is the reward of not overeating.

It is so easy for me to eat out of enjoyment. There is great danger in that; it can turn into gluttony. God's Word speaks harshly concerning the glutton. When I come to that word in the verses I'm reading, I'm always convicted--with great guilt. I know the conviction comes from the Holy Spirit and the guilt comes from the Enemy. Satan elbows his way into the game of life, too. He loves to be our accuser, after being our tempter. I love God's Word; it speaks only truth.

That is what I will always believe.

Monday, October 12, 2009

We had a wonderful weekend and Lord's Day.

We had the privilege of meeting our son's girlfriend's mom and step-dad Saturday night. They had spent the day in Amana, then came to our house for a soft-shell taco supper. Our time of visiting came to an end all too soon. The next time we will have them over for lunch and have all afternoon!

What a joy it is to see our son growing in the Lord beside a young lady who desires only that, too.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yesterday afternoon I don't know who I became.

I certainly was not the person making posts on this blog site. Nor was I the person beseeching God each day to walk worthy in His sight. It started at lunch and ended after work. In the morning I was offered a sweet treat by a co-worker and contentedly said, "No thank you." Some time after 1:00 pm, I swung 180 degrees around becoming everything I want no part of, all on my own.

What happened?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's already "hump day." It's amazing how fast the week flies by.

Since listening to the "Attitude" CDs, I have learned ways to improve my thinking skills. There are eleven CDs with two of them per subject matter (the eleventh one is entitled, "Lord, Heal Me"). The first CD gives the problem, or how the flesh handles situations; the second CD shows the difference it makes to walk in the Spirit. They are life-changing. I listen to the same set many times before starting a new one. I'm still working my way through to the last set.

I thank God for the many ways He shows Himself to me--and for the great love He has for me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I had an encouraging day yesterday--I'm looking forward to today!

It's amazing how easy it is to determine one thing, then at its heels rotely begin to undermine it. It happened last night. I am not eating after a determined hour, then what did I do? I began to think about what I should eat! I did this without thought! That is an area that needs attention. The Enemy knows where I'm weak; now I know where I am weak.

I thank God for that awakening.

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's a beautiful Monday morning. I'm looking forward to starting a new week.

I have some goals established and am praying for God's help to accomplish them. Having good health is a gift, and I want to walk in a responsible way to not put it in jeopardy. I have a plan, but it will take a willingness to say "No!" to the flesh when it starts making its relentless demands. By evening, it is so easy to allow the flesh to be in control. I know I need to be on guard, especially at that time of day.

I pray God put within me a desire to want a better way of living than the momentary satisfaction a sugar-fix can give.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

These past few months have been a struggle for me to stay on the path to good health.

My ear (heart) is always open to hear God's promptings for help. Last night my little brother told me they started a Biggest Loser's contest at his work place. He said he plans on winning; he's set a goal. He said he will not eat after 6:00 p.m.; he has a strategy. He said he will start running on the treadmill again every morning; he is willing to work.

These are three areas I've been neglecting. God, in all His patience, continues to reveal His perfect ways to me.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

This is Thursday, so I go to the gym early.

That means I have to be on my toes all day to get my work done ahead of time. Leaving a half-hour early is not an easy accomplishment, especially when the dessert is strawberry shortcake! To prepare seventy of them before leaving is time-consuming; and the last time I made them, I was late for class. My plan is to bake and cut the biscuits this morning, have the whipped topping prepared and in the bag ready for piping, and start the "building" process no later than 3:00. Not a minute can be wasted.

That is why the weekend is so sweet!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's hard to believe I'm already half-way through my "new week."

I had hopes and dreams of making a bigger turnaround this week than I have thus far. I seem to be stuck in the "awareness" part of change and not the "action" part. I do well until noon, then I begin to slip. For one thing, I have not been sipping on my H2Orange, and I need to bring that back into my daily routine. There are many little things I've neglected, and it's beginning to catch up with me (a pound at a time!).

It's time to stop frittering away the weeks and start focusing on the importance of doing well each day.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm still working on food hurdles.

I don't know if it is my weariness that causes me to fall back into old patterns ("for the good that I wish, I do not do..."), or is it that I'm not taking my health-issues seriously enough? Whatever the reason, I need to get with the program and do what I know is right. I've let my guard down in some of my food choices, and that might be the breach I need to address first.

I still have weight to lose, and there is no reason for me not to be moving forward with this "simple" task.

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Friday and the Internet is up and running--it will be a good day!

I'm looking forward to the weekend. I have just enough going on, but not too much. I will have a busy day at work but not so busy I can't get it all done. I like it when there is a balance in my life. We were designed to be orderly, just as our world was designed to be orderly.

It's a perfect climate for growth!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's hard to believe it is already "hump day." Time keeps marching forward.

My mantra lately has been, "When I can quit my job, I will have time to ......." (fill in the blank with many wonderful thoughts). But God says, "What are you doing with your time NOW?" That's a question He will ask me some day. What answer will I give Him? I know better than to start rattling off excuses (that come so readily). He has put me as steward over each twenty-four hours He gives me......

and what will I have to show for that entrustment?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm still working on improvements. (I guess that will never stop.)

The break-through is coming; I will not quit my daily attempts to stay away from certain foods. My strength is coming from God's Word and prayer as I sense the Holy Spirit's encouragements. That is sustaining me to do what I know is right (though I fail often).

The love of God is the source of my joy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The weekend was busy but enjoyable. I took a nap yesterday, though, to get me through the evening!

Today is the first full day of fall; I hope we get three full months of (what I call) fall weather. I probably live too far north, though, to make claims on no snow until after December 21--and then be moved into spring by March 21! It usually doesn't happen that way.

God has designed a fantastic universe for us to grow closer to Him in the splendor of all His ways.

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's always nice to say, "It's Friday!"

It's been an interesting week, but a growing week. I may tell my boss how my week went; I will see how the Lord leads. We are both Christians and are listening to the same CD series on improving our attitude, being accountability partners.

I must say, my attitude was not always in check this week. God gave me a pop quiz!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thank you for praying. Yesterday was better with opportunities to interact.

My flesh wants to take care of me--wants to pamper me and retaliate in my behalf. (Of course, Satan is in the wings encouraging that to happen--I've been down that road before.) I felt the prayers as opportunities for baby-steps toward resolution developed.

My pastor says, "It is always right to do what is right;" I don't want to make room for compromise.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What a busy week! I hope to put the brakes on as we descend into the weekend, though.

I had a rough day at work yesterday (not boss-related, thankfully). It is one of those stressers that takes everything out of you, and then some. Going back into work this morning is not something I'm looking forward to. Emotionally I cannot go through another day like yesterday. I know God has many lessons for me to learn from it; but because of the turmoil, it is hard to sort through it.

Please pray.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yesterday I ran out of morning before I could write a new post--I will be so happy when I can be a stay-at-home wife/mom/grandma/friend again!

I seem to keep having the same set-backs with my eating. I will continue on, though, with my reading and praying for that breakthrough to emerge. I am in the wilderness now (in this area) and seek the mindset to get on (and stay on!) the right path. It's a process, as is all of life.

God is a wonderful teacher and loves showing me His great and mighty ways!

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11--a day never to be forgotten. Our flag waves with great love for our God and love for our country as another year is marked on the this Friday, September 11, 2009. Life goes on as we build in one another's lives.

Tomorrow there will be many willing workers lending a hand to help our daughter get her house/garage sided. She has a wonderful breakfast planned to give them the energy they will need to accomplish such a feat! What an encouragement to her heart to see so many volunteer.

She is growing and seeing God at work around her. What a praise!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another week is slipping away--time is certainly at record-breaking heights.

I am immersing myself in James MacDonald's CD series, Lord Change My Attitude Before It Is Too Late. He is so right-on with his teachings and hits all the areas of life that get negative over time. His base for the series is the Israelites leaving Egypt, with God's promises and provisions, and still choosing to be full of doubt and complaint.

Oh, how I see myself and cry out to God, "Lord, change my attitude before it is too late."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's nice to be at the middle of the week. I look back and see where I can improve, and look ahead with a better understanding.

I get excited when I think of all that God has shown me this past year and a half. His Word has become more precious, and I can see more clearly the importance of "seeking those things which are above" and walking in a way that proclaims the fruit of the Spirit.

Life will always have its small problems, but the wonder of wonder is what we have in Christ.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The week continues on. I hope today is better than yesterday!

What a busy day at work! I felt armed to take the day on but found myself struggling all afternoon. I was around so much food all day. I cannot allow the door to crack even a little; before I knew it, I had a huge breach! Not good. "Find a plan and stay true to it" has to be my motto.

My walk toward the turn-around continues.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What a busy weekend! I work today, Monday through Friday no matter what holiday it is. People always need to eat!

I'm looking forward to the start of another new week. I've made progress and am looking forward to making more progress. It will never be perfect, but it can always get better. I did accomplish one big hurdle--I weighed myself. Sugar has not been kind to me. So, I will be taking off some old pounds again. With me and eating, I do not get by with anything and truly reap what I sow.

But, it's a bright new day, and I'm ready to keep getting better.

Friday, September 4, 2009

It's the end of the work-week, and that's always a happy day!

Looking back at the week, I'm seeing a new attitude (Attitude: A pattern of thinking formed over a long period of time.) developing to do what is right to get healthy. The more "garden to table" food I can eat, the better my body gets fed. These forty days I'm working on the foundation. I want a solid base that will be safe to build upon with no "forks in the road." These are the crucial days that will help me months from now as I near the finish line.

We have the power within us (as Christians) to accomplish great things to the glory of God. I don't want to be wasteful.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This has been a great week--not perfect, but still great.

One of the neatest things is a CD series my boss told me about, now we are both listening to--Lord, Change My Attitude Before It Is Too Late, by James MacDonald. It is amazing. We agree we need it, especially when things get a little heated in the kitchen!

It's been wonderful watching her transform--and God can transform me, too.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" That is the song of my heart!

God so blessed me throughout the day yesterday. Every turn I made, I received a blessing. It is so empowering to do what you know is right. The reward was a Tums-free day! My stomach whispered praise to me all day long. To stay on track forty (straight) days gives my hope of success a tremendous advantage.

I encourage many to join me on this forty-day adventure and share the blessings that come from it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My old blog name will stay in place this week, then I will remove it. There will be no posts made on that blog site anymore.

I'm looking forward to this new start. I have been wandering for a few months, going on and off the path. I don't feel as good as I did when I stayed on course and stayed away from certain foods--mostly sugar! I know a day will come when I can do "all things in moderation."

But for now, it is important to finish the course and get my last forty pounds off.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Well, this is my first post on my newly named blog, 40-Day Turn Around.

I am beginning my forty-day journey tomorrow. It will be baby-steps, each day building on the last. It's not a race; it's a lifestyle. I have forty pounds to lose to reach my goal, so it is kind of exciting to launch a new blog name and begin the last leg of my weight-loss plan all at the same time.

I hope sharing my struggles and successes will be an encouragement to those who are also trying to become.